www.gavinanotes.com are Silvia Gavina's personal selection. If you are a designer, an artist, or a writer and you wish to share your work or your favorite places with me, please write info@gavinanotes.com.

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Greta Schödl – the poetry of living

The word is a line which we give meaning to.
The name identifies.
The graphic is a garment of the self.
In my work I clothe the surface with its name.
The golden dots speak of my emotional rythm.
It is a door open onto the poetry of living.
Greta Schödl

Born in Austria, lives and works in Bologna.
Greta Schödl uses marble, by itself a potent affirmation: the stone is precious and used by many, mainly male, sculptors to portray gods, heros and goddesses. Marble blocks signify beauty and grace, which Schödl renders in a personal way with respect to predecessors, by covering its surface with its name repeatedly engraved and golden dots which signify the artist emotional rhythm, true traces of her lived experience


posted06 - 2021


portrait    –  Letizia Rostagno
sculpture –  Ludovico Pignatti

Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku
Chillida Leku